Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stuck in Atlanta

This pic was taken Tuesday, the first alone time we spent with her and this was the first smile we captured.
Well we have made it to the States at least but we are unfortunately stuck in Atlanta. It is 4:40 am here and Bereket slept from about 530 last night until now, she was very exhausted but it wide awake and full of energy now!

I don't think the blog has worked very well, sorry.

The trip home has been exhausting but Bereket has been very good, we had a few screaming fits on the plane but she was just expressing what Annie and I felt too. Over 30 hours of travel is rough on anyone, we only have a few hours to go. Hopefully we will be able to fly out at 11 this morning if the weather holds out, it is not snowing but it did a few inches overnight.

It has been an amazing journey with no complaints except for this delay. Oh well at least we have gotten a decent night's sleep and only have a bit to go. We are very excited to see everyone especially Isaac and McCord.

Bereket is an absolute joy, right now we are all laying in our hotel bed and she is handing us everything she can get her hands on, she is a big helper. Of course she woke up wanting her shoes on, which they are now.

We took about 500 pictures from the trip and can't wait to share them and a wonderful story.

See you all soon.

Mike, Annie, and Bereket (Vivianna)!

1 comment:

  1. Mike and Annie, We are so happy that you are back in the US and on your way home. Can't wait to see the rest of your photos!
